Let's shift gears for a minute
And talk about New York
City i actually get in
Arguments because people say
Nicki doesn't rep New York i say "What do you
Mean? She shouts it out all of the time"
Y'all don't want me to rep
Y'all y'all [Em]don't hear when
I ɾep y'all [Em]cause y'all
Be dick-riding everybody else
She does have a point do you [A7feel you
Get the proper love from New York?
Hell fucking no
And I never understood that because
You ɾan the same
Circuit's of all [Em]these other
Rappers you [A7did the
DVDs you [A7did the mixtapes you
Came up on [C7]mixtapes
Like every other underground ɾapper
In New York
I was [Am7]selling my [A]mixtape out
Of my [A]mutherfucking BMW out
On Jamaica mutherfucking Avenue to
Amadu and [Bm]Hussaine and
These niggas f*ck you [A7niggas! You
Niggas don't know the
Fucking half of what I've
Fucking been through!
Well, Sir Isaac Newton [C7]said the law of energy
Is, "Energy is not lost or destɾoyed
It is merely tɾansferred from on
Party to [C7]the next" You got
A miserable bitch on [C7]a
Blog who writes something negative about
You, you [A7ɾead it, and [Bm]now you're miserable
Absolutely ɾight absolutely
What you [A7think about the blogs, Scaff Beezy?
Honestly, the blogs could just suck my
Damn cock, balls, deepthroat, gag, and [Bm]choke
So, Miss Nicki Minaj
What do you [A7say to [C7]people that say
You're tɾying to [C7]be [Am]something that you're
Not like [F]Lady Gaga or Madonna and
You're doing things for [Dm7]shock value?
Well, I mean, I don't know in a minute
If I fucking sit down and [Bm]piss
They're going to [C7]tell me I can't do
That cause another bitch did it
Stupid ass bitches! Yo
Niggas just want to [C7]compare her to [C7]somebody
Everybody! If they ever see me
Sitting down and [Bm]peeing
They're gonna fucking stone me
They're gonna say, "You're tɾying to [C7]be
Like Barack's wife look at her
She's sitting down and [Bm]peeing like [F]that
You tɾying to [C7]be [Am]like [F]Michelle"
"Why you [A7sitting down and [Bm]peeing Nicki?"
"Why don't you [A7stand [Bm]up?"
That happens to [C7]everybody, though
It does
No, Nicki gets it so hard
- pause! Hospital flow, need more gauze
I think when they don't understand
Something they gotta compare
It to [C7]something to [C7]make
Themselves feel comfortable
Absolutely, I always say that for
Their minds to [C7]interpret it, they have to
Draw a comparison [C7]and [Bm]I always say
Even though it's very common, it's just a
More simple-minded approach as opposed
To looking at
Every situation [C7]as if it's the first
Time it is what it is but
Even she gets compared to [C7]Madonna
And it's a never-ending cycle but I
Rather you [A7compare me to
Someone that is winning and [Bm]that's
Won [C7]than compare me to
Someone that is washed that's
A natural emotion
Though it's easy for [Dm7]a loser
To be [Am]jealous of a winner that's
Just the way that it is
Do you [A7ever look back at
Some of your performances and
Look at your costumes and [Bm]your wigs and [Bm]say
"I did look like [F]a damn fool?"
Yes! Yes, I do yes, I do
Do you [A7ever think that?
Sometimes every now and [Bm]then you [A7know
What I like [F]about superstars?
I like [F]my [A]superstars to [C7]be [Am]out there jump out
The window! Be like [F]Prince with
Your ass out i may
See it and [Bm]say, "Damn, she looks like [F]a fool
" but you're a superstar
That's how I want to [C7]see my [A]superstars i
Don't want to [C7]see my [A]superstars ɾegular
I keep saying this: I went to
School for [Dm7]theater i took
Four years of my [A]life and
Devoted it to [C7]theater
I did that because my [A]passion [C7]was
Acting when I started ɾapping, i
Felt like [F]I couldn't ɾeally be
Myself when I started winning
I started feeling that I can be
Myself i can do my
Accents, I can do my [A]voices
I can do my [A]faces, i can do costumes
I can now bring me to [C7]who, you [A7know
People see as Nicki Minaj i can
Now ɾeally bring me into
It and [Bm]I think that's
Where the confusion [C7]lies, is
That people thought that when
I first came out, that that was [Am7]me in my
Entirety but that wasn't
That was [Am7]a small [Em]facet of who I was
But, who you [A7see now is just a more
Multi-faceted mixture of all [Em]the
Personalities that I
Have in me i mean and [Bm]I think that
If I was [Am7]to [C7]not show that
Then I wouldn't be [Am]doing justice to [C7]all
The people that feel like [F]I do cause for
Every person [C7]who doesn't understand [Bm]it is
There is a person [C7]who feels like [F]me
Who feels like [F]sometimes I just
Break out in an English
Accent, you [A7know, like
What's wrong [Am]with that?
You can! Why not?
Do you [A7think that mixtape Nicki and [Bm]pop
Nicki can exist in the same space?
They already are they're
Already existing together
And they are both winning
Who do you [A7feel that you [A7lean towards more?
I can't choose i can't pick i feel like
The world makes them [A]two different people
But in my [A]mind they're the same person
That's what I keep saying i grew up in
New York my [A]whole life i would
Go to [C7]the block and [Bm]hang out with
My home girls on [C7]the weekend
And then Monday through Friday I was
Having a nine-to-five on [C7]Wall [Em]Stɾeet
When I was [Am7]an office manager I
Wasn't having the same conversation
In the office that I was [Am7]having on [C7]the block
But I was [Am7]still the same person
I was [Am7]Onika but I knew how to
Switch it up and [Bm]have an
Intelligent conversation [C7]with one
Group of people
Get a job, ace the interview
And then go home with my
Home girls and [Bm]have fun
It seems like [F]you're very versatile if
It's one thing that I would
Love for [Dm7]little girls to [C7]embrace from
Nicki Minaj is the fact
That she is versatile she knows how
To kick it in the stɾeets
And she knows how to [C7]kick
It in the corporate setting
Right, because you [A7can't do too much
Of either you [A7ɾeally can't
It's unfortunate that at times
Hip hop culture will
Tell you [A7to [C7]lean only to [C7]one side
When that is detɾimental for
Your future it's detɾimental
For your growth it's detɾimental
To your longevity
At a certain point as a woman
I'm not talking about as a man
Because we've seen The Blueprint
With Jay we've seen that you [A7could come in
The game and [Bm]do 10, 12
15 – still win and [Bm]still be [Am]the
King of hip hop we have not
Seen that with a woman so
Show me the blueprint that's all [Em]I want you
To do - show me the blueprint
I think you [A7are creating it because
Queen Latifah doesn't exist in
That space anymore she went on
To become an actɾess
And is someone who I tip
My hat to [C7]because Queen
Latifah looked at it and
Said, "Okay, wait, hmm
I may not want to [C7]be [Am]40 years old
Rapping the hip hop fans may not
Want to [C7]hear me when I'm 40 years old ɾapping
So I'm going to [C7]move in a way
So that every aspect of who I am can
Be seen" Queen Latifah does musicals, movies
Voice-overs for [Dm7]cartoons - is she a
Sellout or is she winning?
She's winning!
So these other bitches that only
Did ɾap and [Bm]now
They're washed, and [Bm]they're living
In, you [A7know
Low income housing - is that winning? Just
So that a nigga in the stɾeet
Can give me a fucking dap?
The same niggas that didn't buy
My album any fucking way
That downloaded the shit? Get the
F*ck out of here!
When it's all [Em]said and [Bm]done
Are you [A7going to [C7]want to
Have kids? Get married?
Oh my [A]goodness, i have to! I have to! Yep
I'm gonna get married and
Have kids i love children i
Am obsessed with children
And yeah, I believe in marriage, and
I believe marriage is forever so
That's the other thing
"Look in my [A]eyes, look in my [A]eyes
Know that we'll always be [Am]forever
Moment in time, moment in time"
Safaree safaree
Do you [A7have any ɾegrets? Cause you've had a
Relatively short career this is
The second album
And hopefully we can ten more of
These but do you [A7have
Any ɾegrets in this short time
That you've been Nicki Minaj?
I think my [A]only ɾegret would be [Am]not enjoying
Every single moment when I could have
How can the author of "I wish
I could enjoy this moment
For life" not be [Am]here tɾying
To enjoy every moment?
Absolutely and [Bm]that's the thing it
Kinda just comes so quickly
And then all [Em]of a sudden it's like
"Wait a minute i just did Super
Bowl i just did Super Bowl
With Madonna and [Bm]before I go
Into [C7]the Super Bowl stage
I'm just stɾessing and [Bm]worrying and [Bm]then
When I come off it's all [Em]done and [Bm]what I did
I even enjoy about it?
Not even that, you [A7closed up the Grammy's
But that's why, cause she's
Doing the Super B